Spiced Nuts


This is one of my favorite snack foods! You can change up the spiced to make it sweet, spicy, salty, or even sour if you want! You can also mix it up for whatever nuts you like or whatever’s on sale at your local grocery store.

I typically buy unroasted and unsalted nuts and go from there. My favorite spice blend is some dried herbs, salt, and pepper. If I’m in a spicy mood I will add some crushed red chili flakes.

This is a super quick snack to prepare on a Sunday afternoon and keeps for 2 to 3 weeks in an airtight container. Be sure to watch them closely in the oven; they will burn fast if you leave for a minute.

This snack is perfect for pretty much any diet (other than vegans- you can sub for chickpea liquid).


10 - 15 ounces nuts of choice (I typically mix almonds and pecans)

1 egg white

1 tbsp salt

1/2 tbsp pepper

1 tbsp dried herbs (I use rosemary, oregano, and basil)

1 tsp crushed red chili flakes


Preheat oven to 400°F.

In a large bowl, bet egg white until it starts to get foamy, about a minute.

Add the nuts and mix to combine. Make sure every nuts is coated in the egg white. Add seasonings and mix to combine.

Dump out onto a foil lined and greased baking sheet. Try to get it all on one flat layer.

Place in the middle rack of the oven for about 15 to 20 minutes. Stirring and breaking apart the nuts every 5 to 7 minutes.

The nuts are done when the egg white is completely dried. Sprinkle with some salt and let cool.

Place in an airtight container. Lasts up to 2 weeks.

Servings: 10-15 | Cook Time: 15 - 20 minutes | Total Time: 25 minutes


Homemade Whole Wheat Bread